is all about getting more women coaching, and making sure once you are coaching, you feel supported and stay motivated.

Whether you call yourself a coach, leader, facilitator, trainer or instructor, we want to help by giving you useful advice and by making you feel part of a valued community.

As a coach you motivate, support and develop a diverse range of people to stay active and feel better about themselves. To help inspire more women in coaching, why not share your stories: What do you love about coaching? And what top tips can you pass onto others?

You can also bring more women into coaching by giving them a simple nudge: In your sessions you know who’d make a great coach – ask them if they would like to help out; sometimes that’s all it takes. Additionally let us know what coaching resources you need? We want to help you learn more and keep you connected.

For all you aspiring coaches out there, read on. Learn about the next steps into coaching and read the stories written by women who wanted to share their passion, pitfalls and top tips from their coaching journeys.

If you need anything else from us, just drop us a line at

The Reach team.

Got a question? Email us:

Want the latest information? Reach out, let us have your email and a couple of details and we'll do the rest. If you're from an organisation that supports female coaches don't forget to sign up as a partner!


After an extensive three month tour of the North of England, #PassOnYourPassion has come to an end. The campaign, which involved 13 county sports partnerships (CSPs), set out to inspire more women and girls into coaching. Over 500 identified women coaches took part in the campaign, and through the symbolic act of passing a relay baton, welcomed over 500 women and girls to the world of coaching. Read further details about the campaign or watch the video below to see what went on across the 13 counties.

Funding Boost to Help Bedford Women Get Active

Women in Bedford are to benefit from a new scheme aiming to boost their participation in sport and p…

Shifting trends: Attracting and educating female coaches

A report from LEAP on female coach engagement and other shifting trends from the previous 12 months.

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Coaching session with balloon
What is coaching?

Coaches help people of different ages and abilities to develop and improve within sport and activity. To learn more about coaching read on……

basketball coach coaches
Is coaching for me?

Sports organisations around the UK are working very hard to get more women into sport and coaching. Women and girls need role models to show them that they can be more active – this is where you come in!

Discover coaching

New to coaching? UK Coaching has created a fun, self-paced, online short course you can dip into at a time to suit you.

Where do I start?

So you want to try coaching? That’s great. What do you need to do next?

Connected Coaches logo
Connected Coaches

You can’t get away with coach talk 24/7 with family and friends, but you can come to ConnectedCoaches to discuss whatever’s on your mind – a challenging parent, a player who turns up late, how to engage those who seem disinterested etc – whenever you like.

Coaching session
Where can I access funding as a coach?

Do you want to learn more about what funding is available to you to help you develop as a coach?

More Women Better Coaching
So many women already coach others in their daily lives - in work, at home or with friends and they simply don't realise what a small step it would be to become a sports coach.

Coaching not only brings benefits to athletes and players but it also brings great satisfaction to coaches, who realise their own potential by helping others realise theirs.


Have a look through stories from female coaches . . .

Project 500: Pure Inspiration – Debbie’s Story

Reach: Supporting Women in Coaching

Claire Buzzeo

I’ve always had a bit of an interest in football and played for a local women’s team for a while but never thought I was good enough to coach anyone….

#PassOnYourPassion – Case Studies

County sports partnerships (CSPs) in the North of England embarked on an awareness campaign to encourage more women into coaching. Involving a total o…

Aksa Homes

Aksa Homes is part of the New Charter Group and manages housing stock in a highly deprived area of Oldham. The majority of our tenants are from BME co…

Let's Run Girls
Danielle Guy

I got into running about 4 years ago. I had heard about the NHS couch to 5K programme and in the new year of 2013 after too many Cadbury Roses I was d…

Fionnuala Duhaney-Keown
Fionnuala Duhaney-Keown

Fionnuala Duhaney-Keown is the Basketball Senior Head Coach at Clapton Girl’s Academy. Fe, as she’s known to many, is employed by Greenhouse Sports an…

Elan Mon Gilford
Elan Mon Gilford

“I’m always at a club somewhere,” says Elan Mon Gilford as she starts listing her volunteering commitments, which take in lunchtime and after school…