Me Time Leaders

Me Time Leaders – delivered by team BEDS&LUTON

Me Time Leaders is a project delivered by team BEDS&LUTON in partnership with our Reach Campaign and funded by Sport England to help BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) females in Luton get on to the coaching pathway via the following roles; community enabler, activator or as a coach. The funding can be used to acquire new qualifications or add to existing. There are a number of FREE FEMALE only courses available.

There is also funding available towards education around health and well-being as this is extremely important and works hand in hand with physical activity. team BEDS&LUTON have a number of workshops organised and will be looking to hold more.

22 women recently attended a women-only, Futsal Development course at Luton Sixth Form College. It was a great turn out from women interested in the game and who wanted to learn more about the core skills and also how the game can be developed locally.

Case study provided by team BEDS&LUTON.