Claire Buzzeo

Claire Buzzeo, Football Coach

I’ve always had a bit of an interest in football and played for a local women’s team for a while but never thought I was good enough to coach anyone.

It all really started three years ago when I was taking my youngest son to his football games at Ellington Juniors FC. I kind of fell into it really.  The team coach left and one of the grandparents took over as team manager. I started to help out and decided that I thought it would be beneficial to do my Level 1 FA coaching badge.

A while later the manager left and I was left with managing and coaching the team on my own; although it was quite daunting, my son loved me coaching him so it spurred me on to continue and do further coaching badges – I’d been bitten by the coaching bug.

However, some people didn’t quite get the fact that I was a woman managing a boys’ team, but I just thought ‘why can’t I?’.

Now I can honestly say that it’s been one of the most challenging yet rewarding things I’ve done in my life, and to see how these kids develop makes me feel so proud. I’m currently halfway through my FA Level 2 badge and have my heart set on achieving my Level 3 (UEFA B).

I want to be able to give not only my son, but the whole of my little team a great start in their footballing careers; even if some of them don’t make it, I can say that I’ve given them the skills, and the chance to be proud of themselves; and that they can be anything they want if they put their mind to it.

This season, as well as coming runners-up in the Pin Point Recruitment League, we were nominated for, and won the league’s fair play award; as voted for by other teams and coaches in our league.  I was also nominated for a the FA Respect Awards 2017.

Just like our team’s motto: ‘Positive thoughts bring positive things’.